Most of you have already received them with your order: History Rebels stickers. In this blog you will find inspiration where to place these Rebel stickers.
What are #History Rebels
History Rebels are out of the box thinkers. People who want to be who they are, not conditioned by the dogmas of modern society. People who value their heritage, nature and the way their ancestors lived. On the one hand, as a History Rebel you enjoy the good things modern society has to offer, but at the same time you long for a slower way of life. You want to bridge the gap between past and present.
Behind the scenes a website is being built especially dedicated to history Rebels throughout history. Out of the box thinkers from the past that can serve as inspiration for your own life.
Stick it! Here are our favorite top ten places to stick History Rebels stickers and raise awareness about your lifestyle.
1, On your car. These stickers are also car stickers and stay put in all weather conditions!
2, On your bike. The same as on your car, but a little greener.
3, A very important one, at events! Where allowed.
4, In places where alternative and out of the box stickers should be placed. Camden town for example.
5, On your laptop so that all your colleagues see that you are a rebel
6, On the fridge where you keep your beer and mead
7, On your mailbox, as a protest against tax bills.
8, On valentine cards, you better be clear right away.
9, On your phone case, so you never forget it
10, In your school locker, because you can't be young enough to start being a rebel.