What is Larp

What is Larp

Larp or larping, larping is an abbreviation of Live Action Role Playing. You can see Larping as participating in a living game like D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) where you create a story with a group of other Larpers and extras. Sometimes a Larp story can last several weekends (events). 


The Game Control

While the Larpers are merrily busy with Larping (Larpen) it is the role of the game control to ensure that the story runs smoothly. For the game management, months of preparation are therefore required before the Larp (larp event) can even begin. The Game Control can be seen as the dungeon master at D&D, so to speak. 


Larp extras

Larp extras, also called NPCs, are controlled by the game management. Together with the environment and possible elements, they form an important framework in which the Larp story takes place. For example, the extras form villagers and thus offer an ideal opportunity for the game controllers to give the story a twist in certain periods. An advantage for Larp extras is that all accessories, clothing and weapons are often provided by the organization. It is therefore an ideal way to get acquainted with Larp and to participate for the first time with a Larp.



Larpers are the core of the story. The larpers work together, or against each other, possibly in different groups. The decisions that the larpers make during a larp have consequences for the story, which means that both the larpers and the leadership must have a good dose (direct creative input). What larpers do during the larp depends on the situation they are in, sometimes they have to work together to solve a quest, other times a battle is central. If you are good at Larping, the reactions and actions a character does mainly depend on the background and character of the character. A character can last several larps. A character can also die after which you have to come up with another character. 

Getting started with larp

Do you want to start with larp? A Larp doesn't have to be big at all. You can easily come up with a larp alone or together with a few friends that you can fully live in for a day or a weekend. It is best to appoint someone as a game leader for this, this can be done in a special area such as a castle, in a rented scouting area, in a holiday home or just at home. 

You can also visit a fantasy fair or fantasy festival, usually there are several larp groups where you can join yourself or participate as an extra. 


Larp locations

Often the larger Larps are set in a rented forest. To participate in the larp, ​​participants must pay an amount that often includes the rent of the location. But as I said, you can also go for a simple location that does small Larps and even a holiday park cottage. 


Different types of larp

There are many different types of larp. For example, you have historical larp, ​​which, like re-enactment, emphasizes how something was in the past. For example, you can be a group of Vikings or Romans. But unlike Re-enactment, the emphasis is always on a live acting game. You also have post-apocalyptic, Harry Potter, fantasy, Lord of The Rings larp. 


When you start with larp it's best to keep the focus on one character in one setting. Many advanced larpers have different characters that connect to different types of larps, so you have much more diversity in your larp adventures. 


Larp jargon

A Larp uses some important terms. Here's a brief overview. Are you a novice larper, don't worry, plenty of time is taken during the larps for beginners to get acquainted with this new world. 


NPC/monsters: non player character, we already talked about this. These are the extras. 


SL: Gamemasters, we've already talked about this too. The members of the game management


IC / In character - OC Out of Character: These terms speak for themselves, in the Larp you make a distinction between what you do in character (so as a Larp character) and what you do outside of acting. This term is important because it distinguishes whether you are acting (larping) or not.


Time in / time out: Time in is during the game, time out is when the game is over. By knowing when the Time is in, you know when your IC must be in character. 


Time freeze:  This is done by the game controller. At that moment, time freezes. This is usually declared for organizational purposes. To keep the story honest and as impressive as possible, you are expected not to peek at what the game control is setting up at that moment. Time freeze is ended by Time in. 


Hands in the air: This person is AAC and does not belong to the game currently being played.

Finger in the air: This person is invisible but can be heard or smelled. 

Props / Physreps: Objects used in the Larp. For example, a cup or a box. In general, props are not intended for bumping (fighting).


Your first Larp?

So you still want to be a larper and the jargon hasn't been able to put you off? Good, then you belong! You now know exactly what your AAC needs to do to enrich your life with incredible new ICU experiences. 


Safety LARP weapons

It is important that your Larp weapon is safe, if you want to have a good fight during a Larp (event). Larps and events have different rules regarding the safety of Larp weapons, usually these are broadly similar. 

Larp swords, larp spears, larp axes and all other larp weapons

To guarantee the safety of larp weapons, there are strict rules for the condition of the weapon. Weapons should be checked with every larp, ​​if they no longer meet the quality standards, it is best to throw them away to avoid confusion.  

  • Hard surfaces may only be felt in the handle. The rest of the weapon should be soft. 
  • The handle must be attached to the rest of the larp weapon.
  • The core, which is often made of fiberglass, must not protrude from the weapon anywhere. This is very dangerous because fiberglass can be razor sharp. Therefore, always check the tip to make sure that the glass fiber has not penetrated the Kevlar coating. 
  • Long weapons in particular should not be limp, such as long sword blades and pole weapons. If a weapon is too weak you have no control over where you hit. 
  • Stabbing is never allowed. Reason, of course, the fiberglass core. But also with weapons that do not have a hard core stabbing is never allowed. Not even with spears.
  • Weapons must be one piece. Not having connections like flails. 
  • Weapons should not be too heavy. Heavy weapons still give a hard impact. 

Larp archery with bow and crossbow

Of all larp weapons, larp bows and larp crossbows are the most dangerous. A larp bow with a low poundage can still seriously injure someone. That's why there are extra rules for Larp archers. Some larps require archers to pass a bow test. It is checked whether the shooter is skilled enough. 

At almost every event, bows with a maximum draw weight of 30 pounds are allowed and can be used at a maximum distance of 7 meters. After shooting, each arrow should be checked for damage. Damaged arrows must be discarded. 

Larp throwing knives & throwing weapons

In the larp are various objects and weapons that can be used as throwing weapons. There are larp stones, larp hand grenades, larp throwing knives, larp throwing axes and larp throwing stars. These objects do not have a hard core and are made of soft foam in order to be used as a throwing weapon. Throwing weapons must not be smaller than the eye socket to prevent projectiles from entering the eye. 

Larp shields

Larp shields may not be used as weapons. The edges should be rounded and have soft areas. Usually Larp shields, like other Larp weapons, are made with a hard core, a thick layer of foam and a latex coating. 

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  • author: Patrick