Viking drinking horn HjalmarViking drinking horn Hjalmar Viking drinking horn Hjalmar Viking drinking horn HjalmarFor £43.15 0 reviewsAdd to cart
Silver necklace, 51 cmSilver necklace, 51 cm Silver necklace, 51 cm Silver necklace, 51 cmFor £17.85 0 reviewsAdd to cart
Thor's hammer with FutharkThor's hammer with Futhark Thor's hammer with Futhark Thor's hammer with FutharkFor £9.55 0 reviewsAdd to cart
Thor's hammer with triquetra, silverThor's hammer with triquetra, silver Thor's hammer with triquetra, silver Thor's hammer with triquetra, silverFor £25.30 0 reviewsAdd to cart
Pendant Thor's hammer with horsesPendant Thor's hammer with horses Pendant Thor's hammer with horses Pendant Thor's hammer with horsesFor £7.85 0 reviewsAdd to cart
Wooden Viking Thor's hammer with face, blackWooden Viking Thor's hammer with face, black Wooden Viking Thor's hammer with face, black Wooden Viking Thor's hammer with face, blackFor £15.05 0 reviewsAdd to cart
Wooden pendant Thor's hammer with face, blackWooden pendant Thor's hammer with face, black Wooden pendant Thor's hammer with face, black Wooden pendant Thor's hammer with face, blackFor £14.90 0 reviewsAdd to cart
Wooden pendant Thor's hammer with faceWooden pendant Thor's hammer with face Wooden pendant Thor's hammer with face Wooden pendant Thor's hammer with faceFor £10.70 0 reviewsAdd to cart
Stone pendant Celtic triquetraStone pendant Celtic triquetra Stone pendant Celtic triquetra Stone pendant Celtic triquetraFor £5.75 0 reviewsAdd to cart
Viking pendant Troll cross, bronzeViking pendant Troll cross, bronze Viking pendant Troll cross, bronze Viking pendant Troll cross, bronzeFor £7.05 0 reviewsAdd to cart
Viking horse pendant, bronzeViking horse pendant, bronze Viking horse pendant, bronze Viking horse pendant, bronzeFor £17.85 0 reviewsAdd to cart
Slavic pendant SwiatowidSlavic pendant Swiatowid Slavic pendant Swiatowid Slavic pendant SwiatowidFor £6.55 0 reviewsAdd to cart
Wooden torque Thor's hammerWooden torque Thor's hammer Wooden torque Thor's hammer Wooden torque Thor's hammerFor £33.90 0 reviewsAdd to cart
Valkyrie from Denmark, bronzeValkyrie from Denmark, bronze Valkyrie from Denmark, bronze Valkyrie from Denmark, bronzeFor £11.10 0 reviewsAdd to cart
Valkyrie of Klinta, bronzeValkyrie of Klinta, bronze Valkyrie of Klinta, bronze Valkyrie of Klinta, bronzeFor £11.10 0 reviewsAdd to cart
Valkyrie of Klinta, silverValkyrie of Klinta, silver Valkyrie of Klinta, silver Valkyrie of Klinta, silverFor £13.60 0 reviewsAdd to cart
Thor statue Eyrarland, blackThor statue Eyrarland, black Thor statue Eyrarland, black Thor statue Eyrarland, blackFor £27.90 0 reviewsAdd to cart
Wood carving Viking god FreyrWood carving Viking god Freyr Wood carving Viking god Freyr Wood carving Viking god FreyrFor £24.90 0 reviewsAdd to cart
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Woodcarving Valknut, blackWoodcarving Valknut, black Woodcarving Valknut, black Woodcarving Valknut, blackFor £31.90 0 reviewsAdd to cart
Woodcarving CladdaghWoodcarving Claddagh Woodcarving Claddagh Woodcarving CladdaghFor £80.05 0 reviewsAdd to cart