New & Sale! Worlds largest offer of historical gear for collectors, living history & reenactment, from Greek & Romans to late medieval and renaissance.
7446 products
Round belt fitting Hordaland silvered Round belt fitting Hordaland silvered Round belt fitting Hordaland silvered Round belt fitting Hordaland silvered
- For
- £3.30
Viking belt fitting Birka Viking belt fitting Birka Viking belt fitting Birka Viking belt fitting Birka
- For
- £3.30
Viking belt fitting Denmark Viking belt fitting Denmark Viking belt fitting Denmark Viking belt fitting Denmark
- For
- £3.30
Belt fitting backward-looking animal Belt fitting backward-looking animal Belt fitting backward-looking animal Belt fitting backward-looking animal
- For
- £2.70
Viking belt fitting Chernikov, silvered zamak Viking belt fitting Chernikov, silvered zamak Viking belt fitting Chernikov, silvered zamak Viking belt fitting Chernikov, silvered zamak
- For
- £2.40
Belt end Midgardsnake Belt end Midgardsnake Belt end Midgardsnake Belt end Midgardsnake
- For
- £5.10
Viking buckle Midgard snake Viking buckle Midgard snake Viking buckle Midgard snake Viking buckle Midgard snake
- For
- £7.65
Belt end York, zamak Belt end York, zamak Belt end York, zamak Belt end York, zamak
- For
- £5.10
Viking belt end Borre animal Viking belt end Borre animal Viking belt end Borre animal Viking belt end Borre animal
- For
- £5.95
Borre-Jellinge style buckle gripping-beast Borre-Jellinge style buckle gripping-beast Borre-Jellinge style buckle gripping-beast Borre-Jellinge style buckle gripping-beast
- For
- £5.95
Belt end ribbon-animals Belt end ribbon-animals Belt end ribbon-animals Belt end ribbon-animals
- For
- £4.35
Viking buckle long-beaked birds Viking buckle long-beaked birds Viking buckle long-beaked birds Viking buckle long-beaked birds
- For
- £5.95
Viking buckle stylized birds Viking buckle stylized birds Viking buckle stylized birds Viking buckle stylized birds
- For
- £4.35
Viking buckle gripping hands Viking buckle gripping hands Viking buckle gripping hands Viking buckle gripping hands
- For
- £5.10
Breastplate Churburg Breastplate Churburg Breastplate Churburg Breastplate Churburg
- For
- £259.40
Twisted utility knife Twisted utility knife Twisted utility knife Twisted utility knife
- For
- £21.10
15th century arm harness 15th century arm harness 15th century arm harness 15th century arm harness
- For
- £152.65
1 kg round chainmail rings - round rivets, 8 mm 1 kg round chainmail rings - round rivets, 8 mm 1 kg round chainmail rings - round rivets, 8 mm 1 kg round chainmail rings - round rivets, 8 mm
- For
- £18.90
Leather belt strip, 30 mm / 180-190 cm brown Leather belt strip, 30 mm / 180-190 cm brown Leather belt strip, 30 mm / 180-190 cm brown Leather belt strip, 30 mm / 180-190 cm brown
- For
- £22.45
Rusvik Viking knife Rusvik Viking knife Rusvik Viking knife Rusvik Viking knife
- For
- £59.20
Gotland Vikingknife Gotland Vikingknife Gotland Vikingknife Gotland Vikingknife
- For
- £55.-
Shield of the Roman republic Shield of the Roman republic Shield of the Roman republic Shield of the Roman republic
- For
- £196.75
Medieval chair II Medieval chair II Medieval chair II Medieval chair II
- For
- £180.40
Bone ram jewel Bone ram jewel Bone ram jewel Bone ram jewel
- For
- £33.90