New & Sale! Worlds largest offer of historical gear for collectors, living history & reenactment, from Greek & Romans to late medieval and renaissance.
7447 products
Germanic brooch Germanic brooch Germanic brooch Germanic brooch
- For
- £5.85
Birka Viking brooch Birka Viking brooch Birka Viking brooch Birka Viking brooch
- For
- £5.85
Celtic brooch Celtic brooch Celtic brooch Celtic brooch
- For
- £6.-
Bronze Viking brooch Borre style Bronze Viking brooch Borre style Bronze Viking brooch Borre style Bronze Viking brooch Borre style
- For
- £22.95
Dividing piece Borre style Dividing piece Borre style Dividing piece Borre style Dividing piece Borre style
- For
- £17.85
Haithabu clothing pin Haithabu clothing pin Haithabu clothing pin Haithabu clothing pin
- For
- £15.90
Brass Irish fibula Brass Irish fibula Brass Irish fibula Brass Irish fibula
- For
- £10.20
Roman fibula Roman fibula Roman fibula Roman fibula
- For
- £8.55
Leather cord for pendants Leather cord for pendants Leather cord for pendants Leather cord for pendants
- For
- £1.35
Braided bronze bracelet Braided bronze bracelet Braided bronze bracelet Braided bronze bracelet
- For
- £80.05
Geometrical bracelet Geometrical bracelet Geometrical bracelet Geometrical bracelet
- For
- £29.90
Bronze bracelet Bronze bracelet Bronze bracelet Bronze bracelet
- For
- £19.90
Landsknecht Grosses Messer, blunt Landsknecht Grosses Messer, blunt Landsknecht Grosses Messer, blunt Landsknecht Grosses Messer, blunt
- For
- £581.40
Katzbalger Regensburg Katzbalger Regensburg Katzbalger Regensburg Katzbalger Regensburg
- For
- £276.80
15th century Spanish decoration sword 15th century Spanish decoration sword 15th century Spanish decoration sword 15th century Spanish decoration sword
- For
- £302.75
Venetian cinqueda Venetian cinqueda Venetian cinqueda Venetian cinqueda
- For
- £145.35
Landsknecht Katzbalger Landsknecht Katzbalger Landsknecht Katzbalger Landsknecht Katzbalger
- For
- £132.15
Grosses Messer Grosses Messer Grosses Messer Grosses Messer
- For
- £122.35
Heraldic sword Heraldic sword Heraldic sword Heraldic sword
- For
- £102.30
Gothic hand-and-a-half sword Wolfram Gothic hand-and-a-half sword Wolfram Gothic hand-and-a-half sword Wolfram Gothic hand-and-a-half sword Wolfram
- For
- £487.65
Icelandic Thor`s hammer, silver Icelandic Thor`s hammer, silver Icelandic Thor`s hammer, silver Icelandic Thor`s hammer, silver
- For
- £11.85
Bone ödeshög Thors hammer Bone ödeshög Thors hammer Bone ödeshög Thors hammer Bone ödeshög Thors hammer
- For
- £8.45
Bone Thors hammer with knot motive Bone Thors hammer with knot motive Bone Thors hammer with knot motive Bone Thors hammer with knot motive
- For
- £11.30
Small ödeshög Thors hammer Small ödeshög Thors hammer Small ödeshög Thors hammer Small ödeshög Thors hammer
- For
- £33.90