New & Sale! Worlds largest offer of historical gear for collectors, living history & reenactment, from Greek & Romans to late medieval and renaissance.
7447 products
Roman wax spatula Roman wax spatula Roman wax spatula Roman wax spatula
- For
- £24.85
Medieval writing book Medieval writing book Medieval writing book Medieval writing book
- For
- £27.05
Roman inkwell terra sigillata Roman inkwell terra sigillata Roman inkwell terra sigillata Roman inkwell terra sigillata
- For
- £21.65
Goose feathers set of 10 Goose feathers set of 10 Goose feathers set of 10 Goose feathers set of 10
- For
- £17.85
Black wax plates set of 10 Black wax plates set of 10 Black wax plates set of 10 Black wax plates set of 10
- For
- £14.50
Double wax tablet 12 x 7 cm Double wax tablet 12 x 7 cm Double wax tablet 12 x 7 cm Double wax tablet 12 x 7 cm
- For
- £14.05
Single wax tablet Single wax tablet Single wax tablet Single wax tablet
- For
- £7.15
Gallnuts for ink (80 grams) Gallnuts for ink (80 grams) Gallnuts for ink (80 grams) Gallnuts for ink (80 grams)
- For
- £5.35
Brass stylus Brass stylus Brass stylus Brass stylus
- For
- £5.75
Roman calamus (writing pen) Roman calamus (writing pen) Roman calamus (writing pen) Roman calamus (writing pen)
- For
- £5.55
Roman dolabra Roman dolabra Roman dolabra Roman dolabra
- For
- £80.40
Large iron pincer Large iron pincer Large iron pincer Large iron pincer
- For
- £15.90
Medieval pincer Medieval pincer Medieval pincer Medieval pincer
- For
- £14.50
Historical hinge Historical hinge Historical hinge Historical hinge
- For
- £14.50
Historical grip Historical grip Historical grip Historical grip
- For
- £6.85
Historical wall hook Historical wall hook Historical wall hook Historical wall hook
- For
- £4.30
Historical grip II Historical grip II Historical grip II Historical grip II
- For
- £5.45
Bow scissors, L Bow scissors, L Bow scissors, L Bow scissors, L
- For
- £25.30
Bow scissors, M Bow scissors, M Bow scissors, M Bow scissors, M
- For
- £21.70
Hand-forged Viking knife Hand-forged Viking knife Hand-forged Viking knife Hand-forged Viking knife
- For
- £87.20
Celtic La Tène knife Lugdunium Celtic La Tène knife Lugdunium Celtic La Tène knife Lugdunium Celtic La Tène knife Lugdunium
- For
- £70.40
Celtic / Germanic knife Celtic / Germanic knife Celtic / Germanic knife Celtic / Germanic knife
- For
- £30.30
Utility knife Roman Utility knife Roman Utility knife Roman Utility knife Roman
- For
- £28.45
Roman knife Roman knife Roman knife Roman knife
- For
- £16.85