New & Sale! Worlds largest offer of historical gear for collectors, living history & reenactment, from Greek & Romans to late medieval and renaissance.
7445 products
Earthenware balsamarium Earthenware balsamarium Earthenware balsamarium Earthenware balsamarium
- For
- £16.70
Lace-ends, 10 pieces Lace-ends, 10 pieces Lace-ends, 10 pieces Lace-ends, 10 pieces
- For
- £6.-
Viking buckle Viking buckle Viking buckle Viking buckle
- For
- £11.75
Viking belt fitting Viking belt fitting Viking belt fitting Viking belt fitting
- For
- £7.25
Bronze decorative bead Bronze decorative bead Bronze decorative bead Bronze decorative bead
- For
- £19.90
Sutton Hoo belt buckle Sutton Hoo belt buckle Sutton Hoo belt buckle Sutton Hoo belt buckle
- For
- £18.85
Round buckle Round buckle Round buckle Round buckle
- For
- £4.20
English buckle English buckle English buckle English buckle
- For
- £4.30
Norman buckle Norman buckle Norman buckle Norman buckle
- For
- £4.55
Square shaped buckle Square shaped buckle Square shaped buckle Square shaped buckle
- For
- £4.20
Late-medieval buckle Late-medieval buckle Late-medieval buckle Late-medieval buckle
- For
- £4.30
Late medieval buckle Late medieval buckle Late medieval buckle Late medieval buckle
- For
- £4.30
Birka ring for seax scabbard Birka ring for seax scabbard Birka ring for seax scabbard Birka ring for seax scabbard
- For
- £4.35
15th century buckle deluxe 15th century buckle deluxe 15th century buckle deluxe 15th century buckle deluxe
- For
- £4.30
12th century Norman buckle 12th century Norman buckle 12th century Norman buckle 12th century Norman buckle
- For
- £4.30
12th century buckle 12th century buckle 12th century buckle 12th century buckle
- For
- £4.30
Luxurious gothic buckle (1350-1400) Luxurious gothic buckle (1350-1400) Luxurious gothic buckle (1350-1400) Luxurious gothic buckle (1350-1400)
- For
- £4.05
Allemanic belt fitting from Balingen Allemanic belt fitting from Balingen Allemanic belt fitting from Balingen Allemanic belt fitting from Balingen
- For
- £30.-
Celtic belt hook La Tène period Celtic belt hook La Tène period Celtic belt hook La Tène period Celtic belt hook La Tène period
- For
- £8.90
Enameled medieval belt Enameled medieval belt Enameled medieval belt Enameled medieval belt
- For
- £42.45
Shoulder belt (1600-1800) Shoulder belt (1600-1800) Shoulder belt (1600-1800) Shoulder belt (1600-1800)
- For
- £35.30
IHC belt replica (1300-1500) IHC belt replica (1300-1500) IHC belt replica (1300-1500) IHC belt replica (1300-1500)
- For
- £23.50
Belt with long buckle (1300-1500) Belt with long buckle (1300-1500) Belt with long buckle (1300-1500) Belt with long buckle (1300-1500)
- For
- £21.-
Basic belt (1200-1400) Basic belt (1200-1400) Basic belt (1200-1400) Basic belt (1200-1400)
- For
- £21.05