New & Sale! Worlds largest offer of historical gear for collectors, living history & reenactment, from Greek & Romans to late medieval and renaissance.
7444 products
Historical drinking bowl (greenware) Historical drinking bowl (greenware)
- For
- £9.95
Historical Wine Cup (greenware), 0.2l Historical Wine Cup (greenware), 0.2l
- For
- £10.25
Historical Wine Goblet, 0.2l Historical Wine Goblet, 0.2l
- For
- £21.55
Large early medieval cauldron 9 litre Large early medieval cauldron 9 litre
- For
- £76.60
Early-medieval cauldron 2,5 litre Early-medieval cauldron 2,5 litre
- For
- £59.60
Medieval tripod 25 cm Medieval tripod 25 cm
- For
- £25.60
Handforged medieval eating pick Handforged medieval eating pick
- For
- £8.15
Medieval S-hook 90 cm Medieval S-hook 90 cm
- For
- £45.30
Round historical padlock with two keys Round historical padlock with two keys
- For
- £22.20
Medieval padlock with two keys Medieval padlock with two keys
- For
- £19.60
Historical heart-shaped padlock Historical heart-shaped padlock
- For
- £17.10
Small historical padlock Small historical padlock
- For
- £8.60
Round padlock Round padlock
- For
- £14.55
Celtic ring with knot motive Celtic ring with knot motive
- For
- £19.95
Norseman Ring, Silver Norseman Ring, Silver
- For
- £30.05
Celtic Ring tree of life Celtic Ring tree of life
- For
- £9.90
Bronze pentagram ring Bronze pentagram ring
- For
- £11.35
Viking ring with knot pattern Viking ring with knot pattern
- For
- £19.95
Viking Ring with spearheads pattern, bronze Viking Ring with spearheads pattern, bronze
- For
- £28.-
Rune Ring, bronze Rune Ring, bronze
- For
- £7.30