New & Sale! Worlds largest offer of historical gear for collectors, living history & reenactment, from Greek & Romans to late medieval and renaissance.
7442 products
Renaissance belt fittings Oktogon ( 5 pieces) Renaissance belt fittings Oktogon ( 5 pieces)
- For
- £56.70
Gothic quatrefoil earrings silvered Gothic quatrefoil earrings silvered
- For
- £8.90
Viking bracelet Orupgård Viking bracelet Orupgård
- For
- £41.90
Slavic earrings Zawada Lanckorońska Slavic earrings Zawada Lanckorońska
- For
- £33.50
Medieval English seal Medieval English seal
- For
- £9.75
Cuthbert cross Cuthbert cross
- For
- £6.90
Germanic berlock pendant, silvered Germanic berlock pendant, silvered
- For
- £25.65
Celtic sea horse pendant Celtic sea horse pendant
- For
- £7.-
Germanic bracelet Himlingøje Germanic bracelet Himlingøje
- For
- £29.95
Viking money bracelet (sog) Viking money bracelet (sog)
- For
- £28.30
Insular Celtic bracelet Insular Celtic bracelet
- For
- £30.10
Irish Viking brooch Irish Viking brooch
- For
- £7.65
La Tène bow fibula La Tène bow fibula
- For
- £16.20
Large Gothic brooch Large Gothic brooch
- For
- £17.50
Medieval brooch Bamberg Medieval brooch Bamberg
- For
- £13.20
Medieval Quatrefoil broche Medieval Quatrefoil broche
- For
- £7.65
Medieval brooch Eva of Reims Medieval brooch Eva of Reims
- For
- £7.65
6th century Merovingian fibula 6th century Merovingian fibula
- For
- £22.50
Anglo-Saxon fibula Isle of Wight Anglo-Saxon fibula Isle of Wight
- For
- £37.40
10th century Viking brooch 10th century Viking brooch
- For
- £28.40