New & Sale! Worlds largest offer of historical gear for collectors, living history & reenactment, from Greek & Romans to late medieval and renaissance.
7446 products
Relief commemoration stone Teutoburg Forest Relief commemoration stone Teutoburg Forest
- For
- £53.45
Relief gladiator battles Circus Maximus Relief gladiator battles Circus Maximus
- For
- £29.45
Tatami-Omote cutting testers Tatami-Omote cutting testers
- For
- £14.05
Whetstone Whetstone
- For
- £3.-
Hallstatt Antenna swordSale Hallstatt Antenna sword
- From
£174.25- For
- £156.82
Celtic sword ConchobarSale Celtic sword Conchobar
- From
£280.50- For
- £252.45
Greek hoplite swordSale Greek hoplite sword
- From
£228.60- For
- £205.74
Celtic Melnik swordSale Celtic Melnik sword
- From
£181.65- For
- £163.48
SPQR GladiusSale SPQR Gladius
- From
£165.75- For
- £149.17
Greek Xiphos CampovolanoSale Greek Xiphos Campovolano
- From
£165.75- For
- £149.17
Spatha Straubing-NydamSale Spatha Straubing-Nydam
- From
£145.30- For
- £130.77
Late-Roman spatha RhinelandSale Late-Roman spatha Rhineland
- From
£140.25- For
- £126.22
Republican gladius OsunaSale Republican gladius Osuna
- From
£157.30- For
- £141.57
Gladius MariusSale Gladius Marius
- From
£131.75- For
- £118.57
Roman military diploma Roman military diploma
- For
- £37.80
Roman spatha BonnaSale Roman spatha Bonna
- From
£123.25- For
- £110.92
Gladius ArminiusSale Gladius Arminius
- From
£124.60- For
- £112.14
Gladius NoviomagusSale Gladius Noviomagus
- From
£122.80- For
- £110.52
Gladiator graffiti Pompeii Gladiator graffiti Pompeii
- For
- £20.-
Roman military diploma Weißenburger Roman military diploma Weißenburger
- For
- £24.-