New & Sale! Worlds largest offer of historical gear for collectors, living history & reenactment, from Greek & Romans to late medieval and renaissance.
7451 products
Viking tweezers Gotland Viking tweezers Gotland Viking tweezers Gotland Viking tweezers Gotland
- For
- £17.20
Bronze Age comb with sunwheel Bronze Age comb with sunwheel Bronze Age comb with sunwheel Bronze Age comb with sunwheel
- For
- £11.25
Anglo-Saxon veil pin Staffordshire Anglo-Saxon veil pin Staffordshire Anglo-Saxon veil pin Staffordshire Anglo-Saxon veil pin Staffordshire
- For
- £4.30
Late medieval veil pin Late medieval veil pin Late medieval veil pin Late medieval veil pin
- For
- £3.50
Viking jewelry divider Viking jewelry divider Viking jewelry divider Viking jewelry divider
- For
- £5.80
Pilgrim belt fittingSale Pilgrim belt fitting Pilgrim belt fitting Pilgrim belt fitting
- From
£5.80- For
- £5.22
14th century belt fitting 'pyramid'Sale 14th century belt fitting 'pyramid' 14th century belt fitting 'pyramid' 14th century belt fitting 'pyramid'
- From
£4.25- For
- £3.82
17th century belt fitting octofoilSale 17th century belt fitting octofoil 17th century belt fitting octofoil 17th century belt fitting octofoil
- From
£3.60- For
- £3.24
Medieval belt sliderSale Medieval belt slider Medieval belt slider Medieval belt slider
- From
£11.40- For
- £10.26
Viking belt fitting Birka wolfSale Viking belt fitting Birka wolf Viking belt fitting Birka wolf Viking belt fitting Birka wolf
- From
£4.25- For
- £3.82
Set of medieval hinges Set of medieval hinges Set of medieval hinges Set of medieval hinges
- For
- £45.40
Flint Flint Flint Flint
- For
- £2.95
Celtic tunic, short sleeves, light blueSale Celtic tunic, short sleeves, light blue Celtic tunic, short sleeves, light blue Celtic tunic, short sleeves, light blue
- From
£39.40- For
- £35.46
LARP Magic capibara LARP Magic capibara LARP Magic capibara LARP Magic capibara
- For
- £58.10
LARP Kuroyami katana LARP Kuroyami katana LARP Kuroyami katana LARP Kuroyami katana
- For
- £50.35
LARP Kuroyami wakizashi LARP Kuroyami wakizashi LARP Kuroyami wakizashi LARP Kuroyami wakizashi
- For
- £41.95
LARP Kuroyami tanto LARP Kuroyami tanto LARP Kuroyami tanto LARP Kuroyami tanto
- For
- £41.95
LARP Ryuko katana LARP Ryuko katana LARP Ryuko katana LARP Ryuko katana
- For
- £33.55
LARP longsword Eirik LARP longsword Eirik LARP longsword Eirik LARP longsword Eirik
- For
- £33.55
LARP Ysaria shortsword LARP Ysaria shortsword LARP Ysaria shortsword LARP Ysaria shortsword
- For
- £33.55