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Worlds largest offer of historical gear for collectors, living history & reenactment, from Greek & Romans to late medieval and renaissance.
6327 products
Venetian pole axe, 1530 Venetian pole axe, 1530 Venetian pole axe, 1530 Venetian pole axe, 1530
- For
- £121.30
Imperial Gallic mask galea Imperial Gallic mask galea Imperial Gallic mask galea Imperial Gallic mask galea
- For
- £169.60
16th century rapier 16th century rapier 16th century rapier 16th century rapier
- For
- £122.80
Gothic hand-and-a-half sword Wolfram Gothic hand-and-a-half sword Wolfram Gothic hand-and-a-half sword Wolfram Gothic hand-and-a-half sword Wolfram
- For
- £487.65
Leather vest Orthello, black Leather vest Orthello, black Leather vest Orthello, black Leather vest Orthello, black
- For
- £68.35
Linen Viking tunic Ragnar, natural Linen Viking tunic Ragnar, natural Linen Viking tunic Ragnar, natural Linen Viking tunic Ragnar, natural
- For
- £53.65
Brandenburg rapier with engravings Brandenburg rapier with engravings Brandenburg rapier with engravings Brandenburg rapier with engravings
- For
- £259.35
Saxon Tent 2 x 4 m Saxon Tent 2 x 4 m Saxon Tent 2 x 4 m Saxon Tent 2 x 4 m
- For
- £329.55
Rapier Armand Rapier Armand Rapier Armand Rapier Armand
- For
- £1,399.60
Blouse Rosamund, white Blouse Rosamund, white Blouse Rosamund, white Blouse Rosamund, white
- For
- £24.55
Medieval shirt, blue Medieval shirt, blue Medieval shirt, blue Medieval shirt, blue
- For
- £29.95
Fulham Gladius Mainz Fulham Gladius Mainz Fulham Gladius Mainz Fulham Gladius Mainz
- For
- £165.15
Hand-and-a-half sword Darren, blunt, brown leather Hand-and-a-half sword Darren, blunt, brown leather Hand-and-a-half sword Darren, blunt, brown leather Hand-and-a-half sword Darren, blunt, brown leather
- For
- £545.10
Two-handed sword Edward Two-handed sword Edward Two-handed sword Edward Two-handed sword Edward
- For
- £108.30
Viking boots Halbarad Viking boots Halbarad Viking boots Halbarad Viking boots Halbarad
- For
- £149.05
Medieval dress Lenora, red Medieval dress Lenora, red Medieval dress Lenora, red Medieval dress Lenora, red
- For
- £68.35
Double Viking axe Floki Double Viking axe Floki Double Viking axe Floki Double Viking axe Floki
- For
- £54.10
RFB medieval cuirass RFB medieval cuirass RFB medieval cuirass RFB medieval cuirass
- For
- £76.35
Medieval belt gambeson brown Medieval belt gambeson brown Medieval belt gambeson brown Medieval belt gambeson brown
- For
- £92.50
Cavalry war hammer Cavalry war hammer Cavalry war hammer Cavalry war hammer
- For
- £85.25
Viking kaftan, herringbone pattern, grey Viking kaftan, herringbone pattern, grey Viking kaftan, herringbone pattern, grey Viking kaftan, herringbone pattern, grey
- For
- £59.80
Leather armor Ragur, black Leather armor Ragur, black Leather armor Ragur, black Leather armor Ragur, black
- For
- £324.75
Medieval sword Oakeshott type XIV, Battle-Ready Medieval sword Oakeshott type XIV, Battle-Ready Medieval sword Oakeshott type XIV, Battle-Ready Medieval sword Oakeshott type XIV, Battle-Ready
- For
- £300.10
Pauldrons Adam Pauldrons Adam Pauldrons Adam Pauldrons Adam
- For
- £51.25