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Worlds largest offer of historical gear for collectors, living history & reenactment, from Greek & Romans to late medieval and renaissance.
6327 products
Pair of voiders, riveted 8 mm Pair of voiders, riveted 8 mm Pair of voiders, riveted 8 mm Pair of voiders, riveted 8 mm
- For
- £126.25
1 kg butted chain mail, 8 mm 1 kg butted chain mail, 8 mm 1 kg butted chain mail, 8 mm 1 kg butted chain mail, 8 mm
- For
- £9.90
Venetian pole axe, 1530 Venetian pole axe, 1530 Venetian pole axe, 1530 Venetian pole axe, 1530
- For
- £121.30
Kettle Hat Kettle Hat Kettle Hat Kettle Hat
- For
- £59.40
Bodice Ursula, cotton, burgundy Bodice Ursula, cotton, burgundy Bodice Ursula, cotton, burgundy Bodice Ursula, cotton, burgundy
- For
- £29.90
Leather gloves Clemens brown Leather gloves Clemens brown Leather gloves Clemens brown Leather gloves Clemens brown
- For
- £34.15
Pauldrons Adam Pauldrons Adam Pauldrons Adam Pauldrons Adam
- For
- £51.25
Velvet doublet with metal buttons, black Velvet doublet with metal buttons, black Velvet doublet with metal buttons, black Velvet doublet with metal buttons, black
- For
- £51.35
Side laced high boots, dark brown Side laced high boots, dark brown Side laced high boots, dark brown Side laced high boots, dark brown
- For
- £108.20
Medieval chaperon Erhard, red Medieval chaperon Erhard, red Medieval chaperon Erhard, red Medieval chaperon Erhard, red
- For
- £37.85
Viking tunic Hans, green Viking tunic Hans, green Viking tunic Hans, green Viking tunic Hans, green
- For
- £41.70
Underdress Annecke Underdress Annecke Underdress Annecke Underdress Annecke
- For
- £41.65
Germanic spatha Germanic spatha Germanic spatha Germanic spatha
- For
- £166.40
Short sword with bent cross-guard Short sword with bent cross-guard Short sword with bent cross-guard Short sword with bent cross-guard
- For
- £62.55
Kettle hat with bands Kettle hat with bands Kettle hat with bands Kettle hat with bands
- For
- £84.85
Hand-and-a-half sword Darren, blunt, brown leather Hand-and-a-half sword Darren, blunt, brown leather Hand-and-a-half sword Darren, blunt, brown leather Hand-and-a-half sword Darren, blunt, brown leather
- For
- £545.10
Greek Linothorax Greek Linothorax Greek Linothorax Greek Linothorax
- For
- £215.50
Brown leather scabbard Brown leather scabbard Brown leather scabbard Brown leather scabbard
- For
- £33.40
Medieval sword Oakeshott type XIV, Battle-Ready Medieval sword Oakeshott type XIV, Battle-Ready Medieval sword Oakeshott type XIV, Battle-Ready Medieval sword Oakeshott type XIV, Battle-Ready
- For
- £300.10
Highland Scottish dirk Highland Scottish dirk Highland Scottish dirk Highland Scottish dirk
- For
- £100.95
Leather vambraces Uhtred Leather vambraces Uhtred Leather vambraces Uhtred Leather vambraces Uhtred
- For
- £42.45
Large kidney pouch (1400-1500) Large kidney pouch (1400-1500) Large kidney pouch (1400-1500) Large kidney pouch (1400-1500)
- For
- £34.35
Double Viking axe Floki Double Viking axe Floki Double Viking axe Floki Double Viking axe Floki
- For
- £54.10
Birka Viking hat, green Birka Viking hat, green Birka Viking hat, green Birka Viking hat, green
- For
- £22.10