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Worlds largest offer of historical gear for collectors, living history & reenactment, from Greek & Romans to late medieval and renaissance.
6327 products
Charles V sword L Charles V sword L Charles V sword L Charles V sword L
- For
- £92.30
Viking dress Valdis, blue Viking dress Valdis, blue Viking dress Valdis, blue Viking dress Valdis, blue
- For
- £39.-
Viking sword Thorleif battle ready Viking sword Thorleif battle ready Viking sword Thorleif battle ready Viking sword Thorleif battle ready
- For
- £91.40
Embroidered cloak Damia, green Embroidered cloak Damia, green Embroidered cloak Damia, green Embroidered cloak Damia, green
- For
- £85.70
Avant upper leg armour Avant upper leg armour Avant upper leg armour Avant upper leg armour
- For
- £237.35
Replica mammenbijl Replica mammenbijl Replica mammenbijl Replica mammenbijl
- For
- £201.10
Long Viking tunic Hvitserk, green Long Viking tunic Hvitserk, green Long Viking tunic Hvitserk, green Long Viking tunic Hvitserk, green
- For
- £44.10
Landsknecht trousers black-white Landsknecht trousers black-white Landsknecht trousers black-white Landsknecht trousers black-white
- For
- £56.40
Seax dagger (long) Seax dagger (long) Seax dagger (long) Seax dagger (long)
- For
- £54.20
German two-handed sword German two-handed sword German two-handed sword German two-handed sword
- For
- £140.40
Medieval chaperon Walt, black Medieval chaperon Walt, black Medieval chaperon Walt, black Medieval chaperon Walt, black
- For
- £15.40
Thorsberg hose Ragnar, black Thorsberg hose Ragnar, black Thorsberg hose Ragnar, black Thorsberg hose Ragnar, black
- For
- £33.65
LARP Warrior Complete Armour LARP Warrior Complete Armour LARP Warrior Complete Armour LARP Warrior Complete Armour
- For
- £412.-
Hauberk, mixed, flat rings, round rivets 8 mm Hauberk, mixed, flat rings, round rivets 8 mm Hauberk, mixed, flat rings, round rivets 8 mm Hauberk, mixed, flat rings, round rivets 8 mm
- For
- £322.80
French crossbow French crossbow French crossbow French crossbow
- For
- £100.10
Gothic cuirass with backplate and tassets Gothic cuirass with backplate and tassets Gothic cuirass with backplate and tassets Gothic cuirass with backplate and tassets
- For
- £186.55
Gladius Mainz Pompeii Gladius Mainz Pompeii Gladius Mainz Pompeii Gladius Mainz Pompeii
- For
- £197.75
Arming cap natural Arming cap natural Arming cap natural Arming cap natural
- For
- £18.10
Gallic La Tène sword Marne Gallic La Tène sword Marne Gallic La Tène sword Marne Gallic La Tène sword Marne
- For
- £88.90
Medieval dress Borgia, black Medieval dress Borgia, black Medieval dress Borgia, black Medieval dress Borgia, black
- For
- £83.30
Hand axe Erich Hand axe Erich Hand axe Erich Hand axe Erich
- For
- £29.70
Gambeson Maciejowski Bible Gambeson Maciejowski Bible Gambeson Maciejowski Bible Gambeson Maciejowski Bible
- For
- £99.05
Medieval cloak with hood, black Medieval cloak with hood, black Medieval cloak with hood, black Medieval cloak with hood, black
- For
- £80.85
Gothic sallet (Metropolitan Museum of Art) Gothic sallet (Metropolitan Museum of Art) Gothic sallet (Metropolitan Museum of Art) Gothic sallet (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
- For
- £178.10