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Worlds largest offer of historical gear for collectors, living history & reenactment, from Greek & Romans to late medieval and renaissance.
6327 products
Full leg armour Full leg armour Full leg armour Full leg armour
- For
- £239.35
Tomahawk throwing axe Tomahawk throwing axe Tomahawk throwing axe Tomahawk throwing axe
- For
- £25.25
Kids tunic Athelstan, blue Kids tunic Athelstan, blue Kids tunic Athelstan, blue Kids tunic Athelstan, blue
- For
- £23.05
Viking dress Helga, blue grey-blue Viking dress Helga, blue grey-blue Viking dress Helga, blue grey-blue Viking dress Helga, blue grey-blue
- For
- £55.25
Thorsberg hose Fenris (autumn green) Thorsberg hose Fenris (autumn green) Thorsberg hose Fenris (autumn green) Thorsberg hose Fenris (autumn green)
- For
- £42.05
Late Viking sword Oakeshott type X Late Viking sword Oakeshott type X Late Viking sword Oakeshott type X Late Viking sword Oakeshott type X
- For
- £139.75
Short sword with round pommel Short sword with round pommel Short sword with round pommel Short sword with round pommel
- For
- £55.-
Sutton Hoo helmet Sutton Hoo helmet Sutton Hoo helmet Sutton Hoo helmet
- For
- £254.35
16th century rapier 16th century rapier 16th century rapier 16th century rapier
- For
- £122.80
Ankle boots (1300-1600) Ankle boots (1300-1600) Ankle boots (1300-1600) Ankle boots (1300-1600)
- For
- £75.60
Vendel sword Uppsala 7th-8th century, tin-plated hilt, damast Vendel sword Uppsala 7th-8th century, tin-plated hilt, damast Vendel sword Uppsala 7th-8th century, tin-plated hilt, damast Vendel sword Uppsala 7th-8th century, tin-plated hilt, damast
- For
- £390.60
Dress Belle, light blue-cream Dress Belle, light blue-cream Dress Belle, light blue-cream Dress Belle, light blue-cream
- For
- £35.55
Trousers Faust, black Trousers Faust, black Trousers Faust, black Trousers Faust, black
- For
- £44.10
Viking dress Lina, black Viking dress Lina, black Viking dress Lina, black Viking dress Lina, black
- For
- £51.35
RFB Fighter leather armour, black RFB Fighter leather armour, black RFB Fighter leather armour, black RFB Fighter leather armour, black
- For
- £82.70
Kaftan Gustav, brown Kaftan Gustav, brown Kaftan Gustav, brown Kaftan Gustav, brown
- For
- £55.95
15th century boots black 15th century boots black 15th century boots black 15th century boots black
- For
- £124.30
Shirt Ulrich, natural Shirt Ulrich, natural Shirt Ulrich, natural Shirt Ulrich, natural
- For
- £29.45
Leg wrappings Duco, red Leg wrappings Duco, red Leg wrappings Duco, red Leg wrappings Duco, red
- For
- £19.65
Early-medieval cauldron large Early-medieval cauldron large Early-medieval cauldron large Early-medieval cauldron large
- For
- £84.85
Medieval shin guards Medieval shin guards Medieval shin guards Medieval shin guards
- For
- £153.-
Halberd Halberd Halberd Halberd
- For
- £55.-
Arming cap Arming cap Arming cap Arming cap
- For
- £18.20
Open bevor Open bevor Open bevor Open bevor
- For
- £81.20