CelticWebMerchant.co.uk, online shop in historical replica's for re-enactment, collectors & museums
Historical cooking
We have everything for open fire cooking, traditional Viking and medieval cooking. Tripods, medieval cutlery, cauldrons, beer mugs, Viking pans. For reenactment
During reenactment and LARP events you want to eat and cook in traditional style. In our shop you can find everything to make a medieval kitchen and to set up your camp. We have medieval wooden plates, medieval cutlery, green wine glasses, Viking cups and glasses, glass jugs, kettles, pans, teapots, tripods, fire bowls and grills.
Viking and medieval cooking and open fire cooking
How exactly does medieval cooking work at a reenactment or LARP event? For cooking over an open fire you need a fire bowl or fire pit in which you can make the fire. With a tripod you place a pan or kettle directly on the fire. Handy if you want to bake something quickly. A tripod is a high stove that you put over the fire and from which you can hang pots and kettles. With adjustable S-hooks you can hang the kettle lower over the fire. Just like the tripod, you can put a historic grill directly on the fire. We also have Roman, medieval and Viking items for cooking. Such as wooden plates, spoons and teapots, for tasks such as cutting food, making tea, stirring and serving.
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